Using Spex

Spex takes one or more stage 0 or stage 1 documents and produce for each a stage 2 document. For details on these so-called stages and their associated document format, see the Stages Stages.

An example of how to do so is provided here. The example is split in two, the first is for NVMe workgroup members and the second for the public. The reason being that NVMe workgroup members has access to stage 0 (DOCX) specification documents, the public does not.

For NVMe members

Place the stage 0 (DOCX) documents in the stage0/ folder of the spex repository, and then run:

spex stage0/*.docx --skip-figure-on-error --output output/

When doing so, spex will convert the stage 0 documents and store stage 1 and stage 2 versions of the files in the output folder.

For public

In the repository, at example/stage1, specification documents are provided in stage 1 (HTML) format:

spex stage1/*.html --skip-figure-on-error --output stage2/

Consult the directory stage2 to see the stage 2 specification documents.


See spex.log for any issues arrising when running the above.

The public example is executed on public infrastructure and the generated documents and log-files are available at the GitHUB Repository Actions.

A detailed description of the spex command-line interface is provided in the following sections.

Getting help

Running spex without any arguments displays a summary of the command-line interface.

At the time of writing, the usage string is the following:

spex [-h] [-s] [-o OUTPUT] [--lint-ignore LINT_IGNORE] input [input ...]

This implies that the flags -s and -h take no arguments, while -o and --lint-ignore takes exactly one argument each. Finally, all flags are surrounded by [  ], meaning they are optional.

The command must also take at least one input document, but arbitrarily many more documents ([input ...]) may be provided.


-s / --skip-figure-on-error

When Spex processes a document, each figure found is processed in order of appearance. If Spex fails to process a figure, processing is aborted (fail fast).

You can provide this flag change that, causing Spex to skip any figure it cannot process rather than aborting processing outright. This will produce faulty stage 2 documents, but is useful when developing Spex or updating/authoring a new specification document where you want to determine how many/which figures Spex has trouble processing.

-o / --output

By default, Spex writes the stage 2 document and any error log to the current directory. This flag can be provided to cause the document(s) to be written elsewhere.


When processing a document, Spex will complain if something is problematic/wrong. The causes of this are generally one of:

  1. Something is incorrectly specified
    • (e.g. a range where the start- and end- ranges are reversed)

    • (e.g. overlapping fields in some data-structure)

  2. Information is missing
    • (e.g. a field in some data-structure is missing a name - Spex must invent one)

In some cases, you may wish to ignore certain classes of errors to reduce the amount of output and allow you to focus on specific types of errors.

In this case, you can add something like --lint-ignore T1001,R1002 to ignore all instances of those lint codes.

To see a complete list of lint codes, run spex (without arguments) or spex -h.