Welcome to NVMe-Spex’s documentation!

Welcome to the documentation for Spex, a tool for extracting information on data-structures in the NVMe specification documents.

To read more about what Spex does, see What is Spex?. For help on setting up Spex on your system, see Setting up Spex.

For direct usage of nvme-spex it is possible to run it from docker. For setup of docker on windows we refer to guides from Docker Desktop.

docker run --rm -v ~/Documents/specs/:/specs ghcr.io/samsungds/nvme-spex-webserver:latest run -s --output=/specs/output /specs/nvme_base.docx

The output of the run will be available at ~/Documents/specs/output in this example.

It is also possible to lint the docx specification by using the web application. To start the web application can be started with the following command:

docker pull ghcr.io/samsungds/nvme-spex-webserver:latest
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 ghcr.io/samsungds/nvme-spex-webserver:latest webserver

When the docker container is successfully running the web application can be accessed in the browser at http://localhost:8000.

The web application will show the following user interface:

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Upload the specification .docx or .html file and press the submit button.

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After processing is done the web-application will show the following report:

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